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Fall is my favorite season! F. Scott Fitzgerald sums it up perfectly when he said, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” Even though the weather is predictably warm in Los Angeles this time of year, I can physically feel and see the transitional period that is well underway. Fall signifies an opportunity for change, transition, and transformation. The weather is changing by becoming crisper, the children are settled in school, and the holidays are visible just around the corner. Just like the seasons, we too, have the ability to change if we choose to embrace the change. Are you interested in creating lasting change? Do you believe in the power to transform?

The one thing we know for certain is that change is constant. As humans, we are in a continuous state of evolution, both physically and mentally. And we know that I have been embracing a lot of change coming off the celebratory Opportunity Knocks podcast for my birthday released last week. My dear friend, Neidda, took the lead in interviewing me for this very special birthday episode.

I’ve experienced an overwhelming amount of transitions which has lead to amazing transformations this year. These transitions brought several emotions; joy, sadness, overwhelm, and excitement. The list could go on and on… Frankly, I welcomed all the emotions in as change is not always pretty or easy. What we do know is growth is on the other side of those experiences. The biggest transitions has been within my household. At the start of the summer, I had my three girls living under one roof. Now one is off to Ohio for college, one is an upperclassman, and the other entered her last year of elementary school. Life feels fragmented and disjointed to say the least!

I wanted to take some time to update you on everything I’ve been up to this summer. Just in case, like me, you blinked, and the summer whirled by. To give you a sneak peek before we dive right in, I’ve been focusing on personal and spiritual growth. This growth has led me to learn how to best integrate new practices into my personal coaching theories. I am always looking at new ways to best serve my clients to create lasting change. Serving my clients is what motivates and inspires me every day to continue to learn new modalities and challenge the state quo. I am beyond excited to grow in a way that best serves our MembHership community at Empowher Purpose and beyond!

So are you ready?!?!? Let's discuss two transformative ways to reduce stress, and anxiety, get grounded and be more present in our joy so that when the holiday season comes, we can access these tools.

2 Tools to Transform

1. Take a deep breath - Ahhhh! This time just breath out! We all remember our parents or coaches at some point using this coined phrase, but the question is why? In short, it’s all within us and it is POWERFUL. The beautiful part about breathwork is that you will experience an immediate shift vs. meditation which can take some time to settle into a practice.

It’s an audible three part breath out of an open mouth. Detox breathwork reduces stress hormones, purifies and cleanses our mind and body by directing the breath to specific places. In May I had an amazing opportunity to participate in best selling author Kurtis Lee Thomas’ @manfromthestars Breathwork Detox experience. After I participated in Kurtis' breathwork session, I feel a sense of relief for days after. I visualized and traveled to different planes. That's why it's truly transformative you can see immediate results. It's accessible to anyone before the tools are within ourselves: our breath. Breathwork Detox channels energy to specific areas of your body to release stored emotions, witnessing energy in action.

Our bodies store trauma in our cells of stress which can affect us if it is not released. Breathwork brings the soul into the present while the mind consistently draws us to the future.. Deep breathing in and out can help distribute energy via your pathways. Kurtis has many offerings but one of my favorites is an hour-long choreographed lesson with instant effects.

Meditation allows you to be an observer of your breath vs breathwork is an active meditation that employs breathing techniques to modify your mood. I am so excited to release Kurtis’ episode on Opportunity Knocks soon so stay tuned for more information. More growth news - I also will be participating in his certification program this December.

2. It’s Tea Time or Ceremony - There’s tea time and tea ceremony we’re gonna discuss tea ceremony, which is yet another gift I have committed my efforts to seeping into this year. I was introduced to this ancient tradition by a dear friend at least 5 years ago but decided it was time for me to request to sit in silence, meditate (both alone and with community) and drink tea for approximately an hour.

Originating in China, this ancient tradition of tea ceremony is considered a form of martial art with rituals and practices that heal us from within. Tea has long been considered medicinal, and water cleanses our souls and heals us. Most people meditate to attain peace and tranquility. Every aspect of this practice comes from discipline, whether it be entering in silence, the type of tea in the teapot, where you place your hands in meditation, the temperature of the water, and/or the timing to which the server gazes at you nod the OK to pick up your bowl just and so much more.

This engagement of a Tea Ceremony helps the host and visitor achieve inner serenity and deeper acquaintance with one another. It is an opportunity to be in service at your highest form and be present to exchange all the collective energy.

After tea, we take time to share with one another our findings during our meditation, whether that be a simple word or, frankly, a debrief session of the journey. This tea practice has been such a healing gift and truly an explorational journey to the soul purpose and beyond. It has been so transformational that I commit to sit and share in community which, as you know, is one of my top core values. If you are curious and want to learn more visit Living Tea or Global Tea Hut to explore this amazing tool.

As you can see, I’ve been doing a lot of personal and spiritual development this year. In one word, it truly has been transformative. Stay tuned for yet another tool I've been mastering, honing and working with to deepen my growth, Akashic Records, coming soon on Opportunity Knocks with Dr. Laura Coe. These tools have helped me not only to open up to being more conscious but also to share these gifts with my coaching clients! Life will always be chaotic, but I’ve found extreme importance in focusing my energy on personal and spiritual growth to stay balanced. Self-improvement and, therefore, reaching our goals begins with being mindful of where we invest our energy. What’s next? Next, we bond together in a connected energy so we can achieve more peace and unity. Together we reach our goals as a community, helping each other achieve growth and make it step by step.

I committed to growth years ago, to continue learning each and every day whether that be through journaling, setting intentions, meditation, yoga, running a race, learning to be patient, reading, practicing being vs doing and merely listening on a deeper level. I am always available for my MembHership community and clients to continuously strive toward more in life and not settle. Like the season of Fall, I choose to be in consistent transformation, and while these transitions can be scary, they’re also invigorating! To know and master oneself is the beauty in life. Let's challenge each other to thrive together. Tag EmpowHer Purpose in the ways you have been creating change in your own life. I want to develop a growth list on Instagram (@empowher_la if you don’t know already!). Here's to our collective transformation.

Be well. Do well. All my best,

P.S. Looking to create change or transform your life? Learn how one-on-one coaching can help you today! Check out our websitefor a full list of benefits.


Don't miss out on the Opportunity Knocks Podcast!

Listen here to Episode 68th of Opportunity Knocks release of my birthday podcast!

Check out our most recent podcasts:

  • Pamela Salzman, Founder of Park Place Payments

  • Mara Smith, Founder of Inspiro Tequila

  • Samantha Ettus, Founder of Park Place Payments


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