Have you ever felt that strange nervous feeling when presented with a really great opportunity? Have you ever had to jump through hoops and seemingly climb mountains to get to where you are today? I mean let’s face it, every day since the world shifted in March of 2020, it seems we are overcoming some sort of obstacle in life like merely remembering your mask. I came across an Eleanor Roosevelt quote recently that resonated with me in these feelings - "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along. You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
Happy 2022 my friends! Yes, we are here, and like I had mentioned in my Insta post last Friday, I’m not sure this was the entry I or many people were looking for, but here we are. The general feeling and feedback I am hearing is BLAH, Eh, Eww, or a basic unmotivated disengaged emotion. It’s true. We are here at the start of the year. Understandably and frankly, I myself, who is normally “All In,” have about a half a foot into this year and am most definitely skeptical and treading lightly on the planning.

We have a choice: we can fuel the fear and uncertainty or just know that the new mindset most definitely requires the word flexibility. I can remember reading job descriptions with that skill being a necessity and thinking “ya, I can be that,” but now more than ever it is a requirement to honestly live in this life! You truly cannot get attached to the outcome, date, plan etc. Why? It doesn’t serve you! You CAN count on the shift or change more than the certainty now. I can only imagine what it must be like working in operations these days. Every interaction that we have is an opportunity to grow, learn, and ultimately bring us closer to our goals in life. Where do you want to go? How do you want to achieve those goals? When we think about the opportunities we have in front of us right now, so many thoughts can swirl inside our brains. Perhaps, something that comes to your mind is roadblocks that keep you away from embracing these opportunities. Watch this short video from Simon Sinek about how to focus on the PATH and truly harness the power of the mind.
I’ve definitely felt this in my lifetime. I understand that even when presented with great opportunities, there will still be outside factors preventing us from taking hold of them. I think it is important to know yourself, be aware, and accept the person you are and how you deal with adversity - do you give up or give in - do you need more self talk…I tend to be one with such will that I always find my way around the obstacle and problem-solve a different path to get to my goal, or perhaps a different perspective, another way of looking at things.

I can recall when I first started EmpowHer Purpose being faced with many tough decisions, making me question if I should continue or if this was the “right” path. I was challenged by an obstacle that rocked me, the girl who loves to problem solve. I am one who is not swayed by competition. I see myself as my own competition. I was confronted by another business woman who told me I was overlapping with her concept and therefore forbade some vendors to work with me. I was stumped considering I am one who would literally support anyone, and my entire concept was based on a women supporting women mindset. This was my launch event, and it was a clear obstacle. I had a choice - move forward, change or stop. I stopped, took a breath, and said to myself, what would a leader do in this situation? Burger King doesn’t call McDonald’s when they launch a new burger and say you can’t sell burgers. What do they do? It’s simple, they do it better. Time to launch. Never give up. Never give in until it's your time, friends. It’s about getting started, being consistent, and positive self talk! By the way, I don’t even eat fast food lol.
Opportunities and obstacles go hand-in-hand. Read that again. Think through your life on any journey. Everything you have experienced comes with something that stops us in our tracks, and we have to problem solve or come up with solutions for the next step. This can be a SCARY thought! But, luckily there are ways to power through or process the roadblocks by pushing aside fear and practicing what I like to call FATE.
Face your fears - Fear can hold us back from some great opportunities. When we are scared, we tend to shut down and avoid anything new that might come our way. Try to overcome this fear by holding on to the light at the end of the tunnel. Manage your stress around fear with our 4 C's to be Stress Free. Remember that this season of new will bring you closer to your goal.
Adapt - Adaptability makes us flexible to changes. Ground yourself in that change and put your best foot forward. Sometimes it can help to repeat a mantra to yourself. Not sure what your mantra should be in this season of change? Try this: Mine for 2022 is “2022 is about and FOR YOU” hence the title of the blog post. Perhaps yours might be “I am confident in my ability to grow.” Read more about how to find your confidence here!
Talk to others - You know the song, “Lean on Me!” Just call on a SISTER when you need a hand, we all need somebody to lean on! Call a friend. Meet someone for lunch. You can even send me an Instagram DM! Talk about your fears and worries and discuss ways to overcome them. Of course, I am always available for a FREE 30 min coaching call to help you gain clarity in your journey.
Embrace the challenge - Sometimes the best thing we can do is to stare these obstacles directly in the face. Say to them “I’m ready for what you have to throw at me!” These challenges are going to help us grow and learn. I always say this, but Life is NEVER a linear line. When we choose to embark on change, being uncomfortable is REALITY. Sit into the muck, feel it, process it, and then choose how YOU want to move forward. Keep in mind your goals and visualize your success. Look for our Get Grounded Series returning first week of February. Take inspiration from different female entrepreneurs on our podcast here.
We are destined for our version of success and greatness. It's for you to define what that looks like for you, not a book, friend, parent, colleague or boss. Only you can define your path for yourself. All of our paths look distinctly different, and that is what makes us unique. There are three tools I think might be helpful for you in your journey.
Winning at the Game of Life - a dynamic speaker series on success
A FREE full evaluation and analysis report from MEvolution to assess your energizers, blockers, and opportunities for first 200 people to sign up

This week, catch Sarah Deane, the Founder of MEvolution - the first diagnostic and development system to accurately identify the mindset and behavioral blockers that drain your capacity, and create a personalized roadmap of the tools, activities, and content needed to relinquish your blockers, restore your energy, and ultimately, redefine your potential.
It’s time we took our FATE into our own hands. One life. One moment. One chance to live the life YOU want. When obstacles get in the way of our opportunities, we do not run away. Instead, we face it straight on and learn to embrace the change. We will grow through what we go through. “What we go through, we grow through” has always been a favorite line of mine.
Be well. Do well. All my best,

P.S. Craving more accountability in your life? Learn how one-on-one coaching can help you today! Check out our websitefor a full list of benefits.

Play and Win! Winning at the Game of Life. Real Strategies. Real Results is an interview series where experts in the fields of positive psychology, transformation, and empowerment share their secrets of success. It is a FREE interview series that will inspire you and show you that you are a winner. Click here to join me

What is your vision for your life? What steps are you taking to get there every day? If visioning isn’t part of your answer, this class is a MUST. The board is the result of the visioning once you get clear. Join our event on Jan 30th! (SOLD OUT)
Stay tuned, we're adding a second event in February!

We're excited to bring back our Get Grounded and Goal Getting series over Zoom for two dates in February featuring esteemed goal coach Kristine Gardner @kgcaliglow.
Get Grounded Tuesday, February 1, 11AM-12PM Pacific
Goal Getting Tuesday, February 8, 11AM-12PM Pacific
Feeling bleh? Need a moment to recharge and reconnect? This series is just what you need to feel a new sense of direction an
d clarity. Get clear on your goals for 2022. Learn successful tools to help you manifest what you want to create and gain clarity. We provide thought provoking tools to use between sessions. Only $75 per event, or a special discount of $120 for both! Stay tuned for more information. Click here to get on the list and we will contact you!