What makes you special? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself the question: What makes me shine? We all have qualities or gifts that make us unique. Even if you don’t know it yet, they’re there...believe me! One of the first steps in finding your SPARKLE is to identify your gifts.
This is the fun part, trust me! Here are four steps to discovering what makes you shine? -
Find your charge - Identifying your core values is core to understanding who you are! Ask yourself these questions? What are the things that make you feel energized? Do you get your charge from interacting with other people? Maybe you feel the most energized when you have time to yourself for reflection. Maybe one of your core values is dependability; your friends can always count on you to be there for them. Or, maybe, you are super committed and always see a project through until the end before starting a new one. Think about what you value most and write them down!
Know thyself - One of the best things you can do for yourself is know and accept what you are truly gifted at - Know your strengths by taking the Strength Finder assessment.
What’s your Type? I mean personality type? Can you describe it clearly? - what are the standards that you hold yourself to? You can easily take a FREE Myers Briggs or Enneagram personality profile to learn more about yourself and ask your peers or bosses for their feedback too! Be open-minded to learn more about you!
Shout it out! - Now comes the fun part! Now that you are clear and know your values, strength, personality type and so much more….you literally know what makes your light shine, you’re ready to use your gifts. For example, if you value dependability, and feel the most energized when you’re around people, maybe you have the gift of companionship. Use this to your advantage by reaching out to your community and loved ones to learn more. If you need more community you know you are always welcome to be a part of our MembHership.
P.S. If you’re still having some trouble narrowing in on your unique qualities, you know I love this discovery process contact me here for your FREE 30 min coaching call.
Okay, now that we have a jumping-off point, let’s discuss the qualities that make us unique. It can take some time to not only identify but own your amazing gifts. I know when I was younger when people would tell me I was good at something I would never simply say thank you, I would often not own my gifts! I was super humble and taught to downplay myself and my wins! That would not be polite in my generation. I most definitely think it was a miss to not own my amazing gifts earlier in life and be proud of them! Now I honestly can say I think I’m pretty great at a lot of things, call it confidence or wisdom but I am excited about what I am good at so much so that rarely can I stop myself from moving forward when I have an idea I love! I have said this before, but I love to serve women and see them grow and bring them to their highest self. I am highly gifted at intuition, connection and community building. For good or bad, I am super determined and resilient that can work in my favor or not. I do love approval and this is something I have had to work on and with age have cared way less of what others think or me, but more if I LOVE me! Of course, there are many things to work on too! Lol. Call them needs improvement or I accept that shortcoming within myself.
Lastly, let’s put ourselves to work and use our uniqueness as another tool in our toolbox. One of the ways to apply your gifts is through channeling your inner confidence. I recognize that our confidence may not be so high at some points in our life, and it could be more challenging to share our gifts. That’s okay! However, I want to help you SHINE just as you were meant to. Self confidence is defined as confidence (or firm trust) in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities. One of the ways to build your sense of self confidence is through practicing confident behaviors. For example, say you ALWAYS stay in your comfort zone and do not leave room for change in any aspect of your life. A way to practice self confidence in those situations is by taking the leap into the unknown and trusting in your abilities to help you through the potential challenge.
Confidence is what drives us to utilize our gifts. We need to show ourselves and others the qualities that make us unique. When we engage in practices that boost our self confidence we are more likely to seize new opportunities and to succeed in those positions.
In 2021 we are jumping in headfirst by learning to appreciate ourselves! WE are unique. WE are valuable. And together, WE can accomplish great things! Shine on my friends!
Be well. Do well.
All my best,
Coming March 22nd, 2021! EmpowHer MembHership!
Some benefits include:
Community MembHer Call
Private Facebook Network
Monthly Expert Calls on Marketing, Social Media, Finances
2 individual coaching calls with Michelle Wolf valued at $200 each
FREE Coaching Drop in Hours/MembHerShip Q & A Tuesday, March 2nd at 11 am Tuesday, March 16th at 11 am Are you looking for a kickass community of women, experts, and resources to lift you up and get you to your goal? Come and learn what our integrated MembHership community is all about! Learn to Define. Pursue. Achieve.
What does a balanced life of business and wellness look like?
How you can benefit from a coach and accountability partner
How is our community different from the others?
International Women's Day March 8th 12pm-1pm Power Hour: Conversations on Confidence
Nothing is stronger than a confident woman who knows her worth! Let’s learn what makes you shine.
Clarify your values and set your intentions
Discuss your strengths using StrengthsFinder
Step into your purpose
Confidence meditation and movement
Self-love and growth mindset exercises
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